Oct. 7 in Montreal: Pro-Palestinian protesters march downtown as Jewish community mourns in Hampstead

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Updated throughout the day on Monday, Oct. 7. The Gazette has a team of reporters and photographers covering today’s events. Questions/comments: ariga@postmedia.com

Latest updates

  • McGill denounces ‘violent, disruptive’ pro-Palestinian protest
  • Videos: A prayer and Israel’s national anthem in Hampstead
  • Video: Palestinian flag goes up at Place des Arts
  • ‘Tonight is about mourning,’ Jewish community leader says
  • In Hampstead, Montreal Jews remember those killed on Oct. 7
  • Tear gas was used as protesters threw paint, vandalized buildings, police say
  • Photos: Pro-Palestinian Montrealers gather outside McGill
  • Montreal police chief speaks to reporters as protesters breach security at McGill
  • Pro-Palestinian protesters breach security at McGill, smash windows
  • Protesters denounce ‘genocide’ in Gaza
  • Photos: Jewish Montrealers remember
  • Jewish students at McGill and Concordia say it has been a tough year

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8:35 p.m.

McGill denounces ‘violent, disruptive’ pro-Palestinian protest

McGill has condemned the large group of protesters that “travelled to campus from outside McGill and resorted to violent and disruptive activities.”

The university also said it has a report that a security guard was assaulted.

In an email to the McGill community tonight, the university said protesters “breached fences to access the lower downtown campus; on a street outside of lower campus, protestors also carried out acts of vandalism on a McGill building that is currently being renovated.”

Police “had a substantial presence on site and our campus safety was maintained. Thanks to the combined efforts of (Montreal police), McGill security, and many others within and outside the university community, as well as the measures pre-emptively put in place, the disruption caused was temporary.”

The university said it will keep security measures in place tomorrow (Oct. 8). For example, its campuses will be open only to current students and employees with a McGill ID, as well as essential visitors with a letter of entry.

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“We have seen social media posts announcing further plans to disrupt classes and other university activities throughout this week,” McGill said. “All this is occurring during midterm week – a critical time when disruptions may be especially challenging for students. We note that thousands of midterms are being written by McGill students this week.”

The university said that “while we aim to ensure an open campus to the fullest extent possible, we also have a vital obligation to safeguard our community and help ensure that classes, midterms and other key activities can continue.

“Regrettably, given (Monday’s) events, the current heightened risk of disruptions, and the increased impact of these potential disruptions during midterm week, these measures remain necessary tomorrow. We will continue to assess the situation as it evolves… Our earnest hope is for a return to usual conditions as soon as possible as we understand that the present state of affairs is limiting and not how we want our campus to be.”

8:20 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian protesters are marching in downtown Montreal

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From René Bruemmer:

After more than two hours of chanting, speeches and prayers, more than 1,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators tonight set off from Place des Arts to march through Montreal, with police accompaniment.

At 8:30 p.m., they were headed west along René-Lévesque Blvd.

The final destination is uncertain, but in the past, marches have ended at the Israeli consulate at Westmount Square.

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8:15 p.m.

Security was tight in Hampstead

There were no incidents at or around the Jewish community’s event in Hampstead, amid heavy security.

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7:50 p.m.

Videos: A prayer and Israel’s national anthem in Hampstead

The event in Hampstead has ended.

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6:50 p.m.

‘Tonight is about mourning,’ Jewish community leader says

From Jacob Serebrin:

In Hampstead, Israeli Consul General Paul Hirshson addressed the crowd.

“It’s been a long year, 101 family members remain hostage in Gaza because of the evil that came calling on Oct. 7,” he said.

Hirshson criticized Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante for not calling the family of Alexandre Look, a Montrealer killed in the Oct. 7 attack and the Canadian federal government for “indirectly rewarding terror” by not taking a stronger stance in favour of Israel.

He thanked the Quebec government, which went forward with its office in Tel Aviv after the beginning of the war and thanked provincial ministers Benoit Charette and Pascale Déry for attending tonight’s event.

“Their support has been superb,” he said.

Hirshson, who has not seen his son since he reported for military duty nearly a year ago, added: “We’re finished being victims in Israel and in Montreal, too.”

The crowd was estimated to be in the thousands. Organizers said they expected about 4,000 people.

Steve Sebag, chair of Federation CJA’s board, read out the names of Canadians killed on Oct. 7, including Alexandre Look, “who died a hero” defending others.

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“Israel is leading the free world,” he says. Israel is sacrificing its best and brightest to defend universal values and taking criticism for doing what every Western democracy wishes it had the courage to do.”

Raquel Look, mother of Alexandre Look, also spoke.

She said the tears still come but Alexandre’s death has pushed her to work for his values and she has a “profound commitment to eradicating hate and antisemitism.”

In an interview earlier, Yair Szlak, the president of Federation CJA, said tonight’s event is “an evening of mourning for the Jewish community in Montreal, a year has passed since the unspeakable massacre of Jews in southern Israel.”

Since the beginning of the war, there has also been a massive rise in antisemitism, he said.

“None of us have had the time to just step back and say we’re mourning, we’re crying, we’re sad. We lost 1,685 people since Oct. 7,” adding that for a small country like Israel, “that’s a huge number of citizens that have been lost.”

“Tonight is about mourning, it’s about remembering those that were lost, about giving the respect to what’s happened and then trying to move forward,” Szlak said.

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Federation CJA is a local Jewish organization that organized tonight’s event.

6:45 p.m.

Video: A pause for prayer at Place des Arts

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6:15 p.m.

Montrealers gather to protest against Israel’s actions

Waving Palestinian flags and clad in keffiyeh scarves, roughly 200 protesters had gathered at the corner of Ste-Catherine and St-Urbain Sts. by 6 p.m. for a protest organized by Montreal4Palestine.

As Arabic music blasted from a pickup truck, demonstrators waited for speeches to begin and more people to arrive, and the march to commence.

“The genocide has to stop,” said Lilah Woods, a Jewish Montrealer singer-songwriter holding a banner reading “Jews for Palestine. Condemn Supremacy.”

She added: “If we don’t come together and say something and convince our governments to act, what are we as human beings?”

Woods called for an end to the war, and for Palestinian refugees to be allowed to return to their homelands.

Fatimah Nabizadah, a 22-year-old Concordia student whose parents are from Afghanistan, said the Israel-Palestinian hostilities have been part of her life her entire existence.

“It’s been 75 years that this has been going on. We discuss it as a family often, and I see it in the news all the time,” she said, holding a Bristol-board timeline outlining some of the major events of the hostilities.

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“This is an occupation conducted against the Palestinian people,” she said.

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6 p.m.

Tear gas was used as protesters threw paint, vandalized buildings, police say

Montreal police confirm that they deployed tear gas on des Pins Ave. earlier this afternoon.

Spokesperson Manuel Couture said pro-Palestinian protesters threw paint, sprayed graffiti and broke windows.

He said there were no other incidents and the tear gas did not result in any injuries.

There have been no arrests today, Couture said.

5:50 p.m.

Thousands expected at pro-Israel event in Hampstead this evening

A crowd is gathering at Hampstead Park for a Jewish community event.

Organizers at Federation CJA said people will gather to “mourn together, and honour and remember the victims, survivors and heroes of Oct. 7.”

It’s scheduled to run from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

From Jack Wilson and Jacob Serebrin:

People draped in Israeli flags and yellow ribbon pins streamed into a large tent late this afternoon.

Amy Dessaulles told The Gazette she felt a responsibility to attend as the granddaughter of two Holocaust survivors.

“I remember them and I can’t believe this is happening again.”

She added: “The more we come together… the more we can combat the propaganda that’s everywhere.”

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Talia Edwy said she came “to commemorate the brutal atrocities that Hamas committed, to remember the fallen, those still fighting and those that have been abducted.”

David Spinner said: “Being part of the Jewish community, having been to Israel, it’s my duty to be supportive. Bring the hostages home.”

Organizers say they expect 4,000 people to attend.

The event is taking place under high security, with Montreal police and a provincial police riot squad on site.

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5:40 p.m.

Photos: Pro-Palestinian Montrealers gather outside McGill

Gazette photographer John Mahoney took these photos earlier this afternoon.

People pray outside McGill University's Roddick Gates during a pro-Palestinian protest
People pray outside McGill University’s Roddick Gates during a pro-Palestinian protest in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette
People pray outside McGill University's Roddick Gates during a pro-Palestinian protest
People pray outside McGill University’s Roddick Gates during pro-Palestinian protest in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette
Pro-Palestinian protesters march outside McGill University's Roddick Gates in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024.
Pro-Palestinian protesters march outside McGill University’s Roddick Gates in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette
Pro-Palestinian protesters surround a TVA cameraman during protest outside McGill University
Pro-Palestinian protesters surround a TVA cameraman during a protest outside McGill University in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

5:30 p.m.

Protesters march down St-Urbain

From René Bruemmer:

At 5:30 p.m, slightly more than 100 pro-Palestinian protesters marched down St-Urbain St. and congregated at the corner of Ste-Catherine St. near Place des Arts, under the gaze of numerous police officers.

They were massing for a larger demonstration organized by Montreal for Palestine, scheduled for 6 p.m.

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5 p.m.

MP calls denounces pro-Palestinian protesters

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, who is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s special advisor on Jewish community relations and antisemitism, has issued a statement.

“The destruction of buildings, trespassing on McGill property and using Oct. 7, the day of the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, to yell chants extolling terrorist acts all cross lines of decency and criminal conduct,” Housefather said.

“I call on police to arrest and prosecute everyone caught breaking the law.”

4:45 p.m.

Montreal police chief speaks to reporters as protesters breach security at McGill

Montreal police chief Fady Dagher addressed reporters just after 4 p.m. today.

But his information did not appear to be up to date.

While he was telling reporters there had been no incidents or arrests related to today’s protests, protesters had breached security and entered McGill’s campus.

Dagher drew attention to the five arrests police had made earlier in the week in preparation for today’s events. He said five people had been arrested with incendiary devices.

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He also praised community leaders on both the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine sides of the demonstrations. The leaders “succeeded, in silence, invisible, to make a difference in their communities for these demonstrations to happen peacefully,” Dagher said.

Montreal police head of communications David Shane stuck around after the press conference but declined a Gazette request for  an interview.

“I don’t have enough information,” he said, adding that he couldn’t say whether police will provide another update today.

Shane directed a reporter to a phone line intended to provide media with up-to-date information. The Gazette could not immediately get in touch with a spokesperson at that number.

Pro-Palestinian protesters face off with Montreal police officers.
Pro-Palestinian protesters face off with Montreal police officers. Photo by Leora Schertzer /Montreal Gazette

4:35 p.m.

Police use tear gas on pro-Palestinian protesters

From Leora Schertzer:

The smell of tear gas lingers in front of McGill’s Currie Gymnasium on des Pins Ave. and police remain in front of the vandalized building.

All the protestors have left the scene.

4:25 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian protesters smash windows at McGill

A masked person smashes windows at McGill on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024.
A masked person smashes windows at McGill on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by Harry North /Montreal Gazette

4:15 p.m.

Large crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters march to McGill

3:55 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police at McGill

McGill’s downtown campus was supposed to be in lockdown, with only students allowed in.

But many protesters have breached security and are now on campus.

Riot police as well as officers on bikes and horses are also there.

The Gazette observed officers striking one protester.

3:50 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian protesters denounce ‘genocide’ in Gaza

From Leora Schertzer:

Samar Alkhdour, a Palestinian mother and activist, said she attended the march to denounce what she described as a genocide in Gaza.

“It’s really important for me to be here with the student movement, to join them, to tell the whole world that it’s been a year of the genocide,” she told The Gazette.

“It’s insane. That should have been stopped months ago. It should have not been happening.”

She added: “For me, it’s so dystopian that people are living their lives and going (about) their lives and a genocide is happening live on the other side of the planet.”

She said the Canadian government should “take action against Israel.”

In September, Alkhdour was charged with criminal harassment of federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller after several sit-ins outside his office. Alkhdour previously told The Gazette that she can’t talk about the case, but said anyone put in her position would understand her grief, anger and frustration.

Asked about the heavy police presence, Alkhdour said: “One thing I’m sure about is that they are not here to protect us. They are here to protect property and it doesn’t make me feel safe.

“I realized at this point that we live in a fascist state, they want to suppress students, they want to suppress the whole movement, the pro-Palestine movement.”

Zev Saltiel is a member of the pro-Palestinian Independent Jewish Voices.

Saltiel is a McGill student who has taken a break from school because he “cannot give McGill my money right now” because of its investments in Israel.

“I’m feeling tired, I’m in disbelief” at the attitude of most people in Montreal’s Jewish community, Saltiel said.

“I’m also just surprised that there is still this amount of pushback from the Jewish community and denial from the Jewish community of this ongoing genocide.

“It is at the point now where there is so much evidence, it has been live-streamed for a year. It has been investigated by international courts. It has been looked at by the UN. It is across-the-board recognized now as a genocide and yet still Jewish people are obsessed with this 1,200 people were killed and hostages were taken.

They added: “It’s one of those things that I struggle to see is why 1,200 people in Israel and 200 hostages matter more than the more than 40,000 people who been killed in Palestine.”

3:15 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian march makes its way to McGill

3:05 p.m.

Heated discussion ends peacefully

2:25 p.m.

‘Everything seems to be going very well’ – Montreal police

From Jack Wilson:

Montreal police are out in force today around Jewish and Muslim community locations as well as universities.

As of 2:25 p.m., there had been no incidents or arrests related to Oct. 7 events, police spokesperson Manuel Couture told The Gazette.

“So far, everything seems to be going very well,” he said

2:10 p.m.

Pro-Palestinian protesters set to march to McGill

From Leora Schertzer:

Several hundred protesters, many of them carrying Palestinian flags, have gathered outside Concordia’s Hall Building as they prepare to march to McGill.

Some are chanting “long live the intifada” and “occupation is a crime.”

Montreal police are blocking de Maisonneuve Blvd. near the Hall Building. They have formed a barricade of officers along Mackay and Bishop Sts.

At least 50 officers are taking part in the operation.

1:55 p.m.

Photos: Jewish Montrealers remember

From Gazette photographer John Mahoney:

Several women hug and cry, one draped in an Israeli flag
Maris Brail, left, Claire Frankel and Lisa Fireman, right, cry while listening to one of the speakers during pro-Israel vigil across from McGill University in Montreal on Monday, October 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette
Elias Manevich lays a wreath in memory of the hostages during pro-Israel rally
Elias Manevich lays a wreath in memory of the hostages during a pro-Israel vigil across from McGill University in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7. The others who laid wreaths were Drew Sylver, left, Michael Eshayek and Claire Frankel. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette
Reverand Hazan Daniel Benlolo waves an Israeli flag during pro-Israel rally
Reverand Hazan Daniel Benlolo waves an Israeli flag during pro-Israel vigil across from McGill University in Montreal on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

1:50 p.m.

Police separate two sides as vigil ends

1:45 p.m.

‘We can only hope for a peaceful resolution to this conflict’ – Legault

Premier François Legault has posted a statement on social media.

“One year ago today, unprecedented terrorist attacks were carried out by Hamas in Israel,” Legault wrote.

“My thoughts are with all the victims, as well as their families. On this sad anniversary, we can only hope for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.”

1:40 p.m.

Jewish Montrealers mark Oct. 7

1:35 p.m.

Heavy police presence makes Concordia student uneasy

From Leora Schertzer:

Chris Bahnan, a 35-year-old English literature student at Concordia wearing a keffiyeh, considered not coming to campus today because he said the heightened police presence makes him feel unsafe.

“I don’t want to come to class when I know I’m being surrounded by police at any given moment,” Bahnan said.

“I pushed through that uncomfortable kind of feeling of not feeling safe and (decided to come) because this is my space. I pay to come to this university.”

1:20 p.m.

Several hundred Montrealers remember victims of Oct. 7 attack

A large group of Montrealers gathered on Sherbrooke St. this afteroon at a vigil organized by the Jewish community.

They joined in a moment of silence, followed by a prayer, to remember the victims of Oct. 7.

Sherbrooke is closed to traffic, between University and Metcalfe Sts.

From Harry North:

Some stood to reflect, looking down, while others looked forward as hundreds of students and adults paused outside McGill’s Roddick Gates for a moment of silence to mourn those who were killed.

The sounds of busy downtown Montreal fell quiet, muffled by the overcast clouds. The hum of the city seemed to slow.

It was just past noon on the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s attacks on Israel, where 1,200 people were killed and about 250 others taken hostage. It was the single deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust.

In the crowd was Zev Wood, 20, a first-year Jewish student at McGill.

He said he felt a “mix of emotions.”
“It’s a very sombre day. One year ago, 1,200 people lost their lives. But it’s nice to look around and see all of the different community members, non-Jews and Jews standing together. It is uplifting in a way.”

He added: “We’re here to stand united as a community, to show that we’re here and we’re not going anywhere.”

The student-organized vigil was for students from all Montreal universities.

As the moment of silence came to an end, the crowd listened to speakers.

Rabbi Shmuly Weiss of Chabad McGill addressed the crowd and encouraged everyone to continue to show up together.

Since Oct. 7, Montreal campuses have seen a rise in tensions, with Jewish students saying they face increased antisemitism.

At the vigil, one student speaker told other students to “be proud of your identity.”

Many attendees wrapped their arms around their friends and family and joined in song together. They also chanted, “Bring them home.” They were referring to the hostages Hamas took on Oct. 7, of which about 100 are still in captivity.

They also sang Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem.

12:50 p.m.

Student walkout set to start at 2 p.m.

From Leora Schertzer:

At Concordia, nearly a dozen security guards patrolled the Hall Building lobby early this afternoon.

All the tunnel accesses at Concordia are closed, according to a staff member in facilities management.

Following a pro-Palestine protest earlier this month, graffiti related to the Palestinian cause was found in the Concordia tunnels downtown.

At about 12:50 p.m., five police officers entered the Hall building. Earlier, an officer told The Gazette they would not go inside today.

A pro-Palestine student walkout is set to begin at 2 p.m. at Concordia and some Montreal CEGEPs.

12:40 p.m.

Pro-Israel Montrealers gather near McGill

Pro-Israel Montrealers have joined a commemorative event near McGill, a half block away from a small group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, Jack Wilson reports.

Speakers are taking to a stage to share their experiences on Oct. 7, 2023.

12:30 p.m.

Jewish students at McGill and Concordia say it has been a tough year

From Harry North:

Waving Israeli flags, students and members of the Jewish community have begun to congregate on Sherbrooke St. near McGill. They’re in front of a stage and large screen showing pictures of people Hamas killed on Oct. 7.

Nate Manis, a 20-year-old Jewish student at McGill and a fellow at the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee, is taking part in the vigil.

He told The Gazette that the past year has been difficult for Jewish students on campus in the aftermath of Oct. 7.

“I’m very ‘pro-peaceful protest and demonstration’ — it’s important to speak your mind,” he said.

“But it’s been a tough year. What we’ve seen on campus goes beyond protest. It’s intimidation and harassment of Jewish or pro-Israel students. The tactics are designed to bully and isolate us. It’s no longer a safe space for discussion and freedom of thought.”

Manis, who has family in Israel, said the events of the past year deepened his connection to his heritage.

“I’m not very religious, but what’s happened in Israel has made me understand why maintaining the culture is so important.”

McGill and Concordia have been focal points for protests related to the conflict, with tensions often flaring. Montreal police reported over 300 protests across the city in the past year.

Manis joins Monday’s vigil with his friend Aaron Rosenbaum, a 24-year-old Jewish student at Concordia and also a fellow at the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee.

For Rosenbaum, the past year has been marked by a surge in antisemitism.

“We’ve seen the most explosive, disgusting amount of antisemitism since my grandfather was in Nazi Germany,” he said.

Rosenbaum, who has close friends in Israel, said he has lost friendships because of the war and his identity.

“I can’t even mention that my dad was Israeli without someone labelling him a colonizer or murderer. It’s disheartening. It’s part of who I am, and now it feels like I can’t be open about that anymore.”

Despite the challenges, Manis remains cautiously optimistic for the coming year.“Universities are becoming more vigilant,” he said.

Rosenbaum stressed the need for more dialogue.

“Universities should be places for ideas, not echo chambers,” he said. “If we don’t go back to that, this hostility is just going to continue.”

12:15 p.m.

Expect Oct. 7 events to disrupt traffic, police say

11:20 a.m.

Trudeau condemns Hamas, Quebec calls for ceasefire

From The Canadian Press:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marked the grim anniversary in a statement, saying his thoughts are with all Israelis and Jewish people, and with the Jewish community in Canada.

Trudeau condemned Hamas and said his government remains committed to working towards a two-state solution, “where Israelis and Palestinians can live securely within internationally recognized borders.”

“Hamas has set the region down a path of war and violence. We mourn the Canadians and all civilians killed in the year that followed. We condemn Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, whose senseless attacks lead to more death and instability.

“The scale of civilian casualties since Oct. 7 is heartbreaking and unacceptable, and all actors must comply with international law. The suffering must end, and we must return to the path toward lasting peace and security for Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, and others across the region.”

Martine Biron, Quebec’s minister of international relations, also posted a statement.

“On this day of remembrance, let us pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks that occurred on Oct. 7, 2023, in Israel, as well as those of the war between Israel and Hamas,” she wrote.

Biron also reiterated Quebec’s call for a ceasefire and “the respect of international law regarding the treatment of civilians.”

11:05 a.m.

Security tight at McGill as protesters gather

A man waves Palestinian flag at passing cars on Sherbrooke St.
A small group of pro-Palestine protesters wave at passing motorists on Sherbrooke St. in front of McGill University in Montreal Monday October 7, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

The Gazette will have full coverage today as Montreal marks Oct. 7, with several reporters and photographers in the field.

From colleagues Leora Schertzer and Harry North:

More than 100 police officers are patrolling McGill’s downtown campus.

The perimeter of the university is lined with police cars and buses along Sherbrooke, University and McTavish Sts.

Besides McGill’s entrance on McTavish and Sherbrooke, every entry point to campus is closed by wire fences, including the main entrance at Roddick Gates on Sherbrooke.

Students must show I.D. to get on the McGill campus and again before they are allowed into university buildings, where security guards are stationed.

At 8:45 a.m., only a few dozen students were on campus, which is being patrolled by police on horseback and officers in riot gear.

“It just feels very over the top,” said student Patrick Brennan, who had to detour to get to his sociology class.

“We all have exams right now, and I have one. That’s the only reason I’m on campus,” he said.

“It’s not a great feeling for the nerves,” referring to the heightened police presence at McGill.

Earlier, a handful of people stood with a Palestinian flag on the west side of Roddick Gates. There did not appear to be any pro-Israel students in front of McGill at that time.

One member of McGill Law Students for Palestine, who wished to stay anonymous for this report, said the police presence on campus felt “intimidating, and just deeply unnecessary.”

“I don’t know who’s creating intimidation, harassment and danger other than McGill at the moment.”

About half a dozen pro-Palestinian protesters have positioned themselves outside McGill’s Roddick Gates, where an Israeli student vigil to mourn those killed in the Oct. 7 attack is set to begin at 12:30 p.m.

An individual with the group, who did not provide their name, said the first members of their group arrived around 3:30 a.m. to “own the space.”

They insisted the group would not move.

Two Montreal police officers said that the vigil will occupy one side of the McGill Roddick Gates, with the pro-Palestinian group on the opposite side. Police will be stationed between the two groups.

A larger pro-Palestinian student rally is expected to arrive after 2 p.m.

More than 500 Montreal police officers are on downtown streets today, an officer told The Gazette.

At Concordia, about 30 police officers are stationed outside the Hall Building, he said.

No uniformed officers were visible in the Hall Building or the J.W. McConnell Building when The Gazette visited.

Concordia does not have the same security measures as McGill. Buildings on the university’s downtown campus remain open to the public.

10 a.m.

Montreal on edge as world marks Oct. 7 anniversary

Montrealers on opposite sides of the Middle Eastern conflict are organizing events on Monday to mark the anniversary of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the beginning of Israel’s retaliation.

Amid heightened tensions, Montreal police have increased patrols around Jewish and Muslim community locations as well as universities.

McGill and Concordia universities — protest focal points over the past year — have tightened campus security, with some classes moved online. Some pro-Palestinian groups are urging CEGEP and university students to walk out and march to McGill on Monday afternoon.

Downtown traffic may be snarled, with McGill warning that police plan to “close or restrict access” to Sherbrooke St. in front of the university as of 8 a.m.

10 a.m.

Montreal Jewish community has planned two events

Pro-Israel counter-protesters are seen near a pro-Palestine encampment on the McGill University campus in Montreal on Thursday, May 2, 2024.
Pro-Israel counter-protesters are seen near a pro-Palestine encampment on the McGill University campus in Montreal on Thursday, May 2, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

Montreal’s Jewish community will gather at two events organized by the Federation CJA, a local philanthropic organization, with assistance from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.

The first event — a “student unity vigil” — is scheduled from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. at McGill’s Roddick Gates on Sherbrooke St.

Participants are expected to join in song, prayer and reflection.

The community is coming together “to mourn, honour and remember the victims of the attacks, as well as to pray for the return of the hostages and a peaceful resolution to the war,” Federation CJA said.

Later, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., a larger event will be held in Hampstead Park.

This gathering will feature a moment of silence, prayers and addresses from dignitaries, including Israel’s consul general, Paul Hirshson.

While the evening event is open to the public, pre-registration is required via Jlive.app.

10 a.m.

Pro-Palestinian groups plan several events, including student walkout

Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian supporters marched in downtown Montreal on Saturday
Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian supporters marched in downtown Montreal on Saturday afternoon as part of a global day of action protesting against Israel’s military operations in Gaza. Photo by John Kenney /v

Pro-Palestinian groups in Montreal are organizing a student strike and at least two events.

The Concordia and McGill chapters of Students for Palestine’s Honour and Resistance are calling on CEGEP and university students to walk out of classes at 2 p.m.

“McGill and Concordia can try to shut down campus, but a police state at our universities will never silence the student movement,” the groups said in a social media post.

They vowed to “flood campuses in response to a year of genocide. After a year, we commemorate the historic breach of the colonial border and a year of Palestine’s heroic resistance.”

Another event is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Place des Arts.

Via social media, a group called Montreal4Palestine says supporters will “take over the streets of Montreal in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Palestine. The days of silent suffering are over. The resistance has risen and we rise with them.”

10 a.m.

For local Palestinians, ‘nothing makes sense anymore’

The toll of October 7, One Year Later
Samar Alkhdour, a Palestinian mother and activist who has taken part in regular protests condemning Israel’s military offensive in Gaza, on Ste-Catherine Street West in Montreal on Wednesday October 2, 2024. Dave Sidaway / Montreal Gazette Photo by Dave Sidaway /Montreal Gazette

Ayman Oweida still remembers the prolonged state of shock he felt when Israel’s military response to the attack on Oct. 7 by Hamas began to stretch on last year.

For Oweida, a Palestinian living in Sherbrooke, the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war was marked by frantic attempts to reach family in Gaza and hopes that a ceasefire could offer a reprieve.

But as time went on, he instead watched in despair as the bombing he first thought could last a few weeks continued for months and, now, an entire year as Israel retaliated for the estimated 1,200 killed and 250 hostages taken in that initial attack.

Read our full report by Jesse Feith.

10 a.m.

For Jewish Montrealers, the ‘horror of that day is still very fresh’

The toll of October 7, One Year Later
Rabbi Lisa J. Grushcow in the Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom sanctuary in Westmount sanctuary on Tuesday October 1, 2024. 69 posters, representing more than 69 missing people on the backs of seats in the sanctuary. Dave Sidaway / Montreal Gazette Photo by Dave Sidaway /Montreal Gazette

For many in Montreal’s Jewish community, the horror of the Israel-Hamas war has been compounded by the fact most never got the chance to fully grieve the massacre that sparked it.

“October 7th, for most of us, was the greatest tragedy in our lived Jewish experience,” said Rabbi Lisa Grushcow of the Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom in Westmount.

An estimated 1,200 people were killed, most of them civilians, and 250 hostages seized when Hamas terrorists invaded. Hundreds were killed at kibbutz communities, small villages and at a music festival.

“Most of us have ties to Israel in some way, be it family or friends or other connections,” Grushcow said. “So the absolute tragedy and trauma and horror of that day is still very fresh in people’s minds.”

Read our full report by René Bruemmer.

10 a.m.

How Montreal universities prepared for Oct. 7 anniversary

Montreal’s universities are bracing for potential disruptions on Monday, marking the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel, with both McGill and Concordia universities beefing up security measures in anticipation of protests.

Read our full report by Harry North.

10 a.m.

Montreal police tighten security at religious sites, universities

Police officers stand between groups carrying Israeli and Palestinian flags
Montreal police stand between pro-Israeli counter-protesters and the pro-Palestinian encampment on the campus of McGill University in Montreal on Thursday, May 2, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

On Friday, Montreal police said they are stepping up their presence throughout the city, particularly close to Jewish and Arab-Muslim institutions.

“We want the public to know we are aware of their concerns and taking them seriously,” said assistant director Vincent Richer, head of the organizational services division.

For members of the public who are especially fearful as the anniversary nears, Richer said: “We want to tell them to continue to live their lives. We want to tell them that for Montreal police, it’s a priority to be on the ground to help them feel safe.”

Read our full report by René Bruemmer.

10 a.m.

Judge grants order against pro-Palestinian groups at Concordia

A Quebec judge last week issued an order barring certain pro-Palestinian groups and activists from blocking access to Concordia University or attempting to disrupt any classes.

It also grants two Jewish students a protective order against two people they argue have intimidated them.

Read our full report by Jesse Feith.

10 a.m.

Montreal has seen hundreds of Israel-Hamas war protests

Monday marks one year since Hamas, which governs Gaza, attacked Israel. About 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed, and hundreds were taken captive.

Since Israel declared war on Hamas, more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health authority. Just over half of the dead were women and children, according to the Associated Press.

In recent days, Israel has targeted regions of Lebanon controlled by the Hezbollah militant group with airstrikes and ground incursions.

Canada has designated both Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.

Montreal police say the city has seen more than 300 protests about the war over the past year, most of them peaceful. However, about 100 arrests have been made.

And antisemitism and Islamophobia have flared. Montreal police have recorded 288 possible hate crimes, with 41 arrests.

Firebombs, gunfire and vandalism have targeted some Jewish schools and synagogues in Montreal. Threatening emails were sent to Jewish institutions, including synagogues. On Wednesday, five people were arrested with incendiary material near a synagogue in Côte-St-Luc.

Last year, a mosque in St-Léonard was spray-painted with a swastika and the message “Kill all Musulman bastard” (sic). Muslim women reported verbal harassment near mosques.

Montreal police say they will increase their presence on the streets Monday, with additional officers on duty, including some in plain clothes. Surveillance is to be stepped up around Jewish and Arab/Muslim institutions as well as universities.

“We want the public to know we are aware of their concerns and taking them seriously,” said assistant police director Vincent Richer.

McGill has been rocked by turmoil since the Israel-Hamas war erupted. Pro-Palestinian protesters occupied part of the downtown campus for 75 days until it was dismantled on July 10.

Riot police were called to some pro-Palestinian protests at McGill after windows were smashed and an administration building was occupied.

Last week, a judge issued a temporary order barring certain pro-Palestinian groups and activists from blocking access to Concordia or attempting to disrupt any classes.

In late September, there was vandalism and several people were arrested near Concordia amid pro-Palestinian protests.

In one case, protesters smashed windows and launched Molotov cocktails at police; in another slogans were spray-painted and objects were thrown at police.

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  1. One Year Later: For Jewish Montrealers, the ‘horror of that day is still very fresh’

  2. Samar Alkhdour's 13-year-old daughter, Jana, died in Gaza in January. “I never imagined this would last for a year,” she said. “It’s infuriating to be witnessing what’s happening to my people and family and to feel helpless.”

    One Year Later: For local Palestinians, ‘nothing makes sense anymore’

  3. Montreal police and Concordia security guards look at graffiti after a protest June 3, 2024. More than 288 possible hate crimes were reported over the last year, resulting in 41 arrests.

    Montreal police tighten security as anniversary of Israel-Hamas war approaches

  4. Concordia University's Hall building is seen in a file photo.

    Judge grants order against pro-Palestinian groups at Concordia University

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  6. Montreal police arrest a pro-Palestinian protester in the Guy-Concordia métro station on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024.

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