‘A great Quebecer’: politicians of all stripes pay tribute to Brian Mulroney

Mulroney “was committed to this country, loved it with all his heart and served it many many years in many different ways,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

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Politicians of all stripes and from both sides of the separatist-federalist divide are paying tribute to former prime minister Brian Mulroney, who died on Thursday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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Mulroney “was committed to this country, loved it with all his heart and served it many, many years in many different ways. He had the courage to do big things, whether it was negotiating free trade with the United States and then with Mexico all the while standing up to protect Canada’s environment; pushing back against the Americans on acid rain; to standing strong on the international stage, standing up for Canada’s values against communism and authoritarianism, against apartheid, leading with our values around the world. He was incredibly generous and effective in advising me and our government on the renegotiation of NAFTA during some very challenging years.”

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Quebec Premier François Legault

“Brian Mulroney, the little guy from Baie-Comeau. As prime minister of Canada, he was a visionary with his Canada-U.S. free trade agreement. He stood up in opposition to the apartheid regime in South Africa. He knew how to fight against acid rain, one of the great environmental challenges at the time. He was also a true ambassador who promoted Quebec and Canada throughout the world. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.”

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Former Liberal prime minister Jean Chrétien

“He left a mark as prime minister. We weren’t always in agreement, but we were often in agreement. He believed like me in Canada. He was a federalist. We may have had different methods but the goal was the same. Many times we did not agree but in three different referendums, we were on the same side. He had a very good political career and he had a very good personal life. Mila and he had a great family — all successful kids. He was a family man.”

U.S. President Joe Biden

“Mulroney was fearless and not afraid to stand up for causes he cared about like advocating against racial apartheid in South Africa. I got to know the prime minister when I served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I saw firsthand his commitment to the friendship between our two nations, as well as his abiding love for Canada and its people.”

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante

“A great Montrealer, (Mulroney) left his mark on Canada with his economic and constitutional reforms. We will also remember his well-known positions against apartheid in South Africa and for the protection of the environment.”

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Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre

“It is with great sadness that Canadians learn of the loss of one of our greatest ever statesmen, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney. … I will always be thankful for his candid advice and generous mentorship to me personally. All Canadians are grateful for his immense sacrifice and the lasting legacy he leaves us all.”

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Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet

“Mulroney is perhaps the last to have sincerely attempted to reconcile Quebec and Canada. He was the architect of a free trade treaty that would not have existed without the support of Quebec. His role in respecting human rights and the release of Nelson Mandela is historic. He even had the trust of René Lévesque. Respect for a great Quebecer.”

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh

Mulroney “made an important contribution to Canada, including protecting our environment — leading the world in tackling acid rain and banning chemicals that were destroying the ozone layer. He was also a strong opponent of apartheid, leading the efforts to sanction South Africa by Commonwealth nations.”

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May

Mulroney was “the Greenest PM in our history. He was always so very kind and generous as a leader and a friend. Deepest sympathy to the whole family. #RIPBrianMulroney.”

Jean Charest, former Liberal premier of Quebec and federal Progressive Conservative leader

“Mr. Mulroney was one of the greatest prime ministers in Canadian history. He was an exceptional leader. A visionary. And a statesman whose influence had a significant impact on the international stage. I remember him as generous, passionate, and deeply attached to Canada. Our country owes Prime Minister Mulroney a profound debt of gratitude.”

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Bloc Québécois founder Lucien Bouchard

“It was a tumultuous friendship, interrupted for too long by political differences, differences based on convictions,” Bouchard told LCN. “We ate together in Florida during the holidays. We spoke last Friday again. We spoke to each other quite often. We can’t be 84-85 years after the life we lived without remembering everything that brought us together. We were the greatest friends, a brotherly friendship even. We spent our university years together. Most of my adult life has been together on the same path that we have travelled together.

“You couldn’t meet Brian Mulroney without loving him. He had an absolutely exceptional emotional intelligence. … He undertook to reconcile Quebec with the rest of Canada, a political challenge of great nobility. He did it because he loved Quebec, because he did not want Quebec to suffer.”

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Former Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe

“He was a great man, a visionary … A generous man, with a big heart.”

Former prime minister Joe Clark

“Brian was one of Canada’s great change-makers, determined to move the country forward and with an instinct to respect differences and an extraordinary capacity to reconcile. He was bold, a big dreamer and an unparalleled negotiator and persuader, both at home in Canada and in the larger world. … Brian and I met, decades ago, as young partisans from small towns in distant parts of a big country, drawn by politics and public service. Often then we were allies, sometimes competitors and then became colleagues in and beyond national government. I am grateful for his extraordinary service, and his friendship, and mourn his loss.”

Former prime minister Stephen Harper

“Prime Minister Mulroney stood for freedom and democracy on the world stage, in his principled opposition to apartheid in South Africa, his enduring support for Israel and his advocacy of independence for Ukraine and the other European nations long under the yoke of Soviet communism. Prime Minister Mulroney championed significant international environmental measures including the Montreal Protocol and the Canada-U.S. Acid Rain Treaty. … Mr. Mulroney will also be remembered as the first Canadian Conservative leader to win back-to-back majority mandates since Sir John A. Macdonald, including the largest electoral victory in Canadian history. Canada has lost a historic figure, and we mourn his passing with all his many friends and associates.”

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Interim Quebec Liberal Leader Marc Tanguay

“One of the foundations of (Mulroney’s) political commitment was his sincere and constant concern to ensure a strong place for Quebec within the Canadian federation. On the international stage, his leadership will have allowed Canada to shine and assert its values. The ‘little guy from Baie-Comeau’ leaves us a great political legacy: that of a Prime Minister who made Canada an important and respected country.”

Québec solidaire spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

“On behalf of my political party, I offer my condolences to the loved ones of Brian Mulroney, a Quebecer who gave a large part of his life to public service. His fight for human rights in South Africa was a great mark of courage.”

Parti Québécois Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon

“Despite our differences of vision on the place of Quebec in Canada, I would like to salute the courage of a man who tried everything to repair the historical injustice of the unilateral patriation of the Constitution, against Quebec and behind Quebec’s back. Several separatists, including René Lévesque, believed in the ‘beau risque,’ particularly because of the good faith and determination of Mr. Mulroney to reintegrate Quebec into the constitutional fold, with ‘honour and enthusiasm.’”

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Conservative Party of Quebec Leader Eric Duhaime

“The little guy from Baie-Comeau charmed Quebecers, offered us a ‘beau risque,’ trying to reintegrate Quebec into the Canadian Confederation ‘with honour and enthusiasm.’ But above all, he left us a free trade treaty which greatly contributed to the economic advancement of Quebec and Canada. A unifier, a leader, a mentor. The first ‘conservative’ I voted for.”

Luc Lavoie, former Mulroney spokesperson

“It’s as if I have just lost my second father. … When I was sick and off work for four or five months, he called me every day to cheer me up or comment on the news. He was a family man. For him, the real success of his life, the one that counted in his life, was his family.”

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Former Parti Québécois leader and Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Péladeau

“Mr. Mulroney has left his mark not only on Canadian history, but also the history of our Corporation (Mulroney was chair of Quebecor’s board of directors). In the late 60s, he was a trusted adviser to my late father, Pierre Péladeau, and became an invaluable mentor to me. It was a privilege to be able to count on his vast experience and wisdom. His sound counsel played an important role in Quebecor’s growth and its present-day success.”

Ontario Premier Doug Ford

“Brian Mulroney was a giant. He leaves behind an unmatched legacy as Canada’s 18th prime minister that includes negotiating NAFTA and helping to end apartheid in South Africa. Canada has lost its ultimate statesman.”

Former Conservative minister Peter MacKay

Mulroney “positively shaped Canada + the world. Biggest majority govt in Cdn history. Blessed to know him as friend +mentor. Many fond memories here in NS. RIP”

Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault

“The Honourable Brian Mulroney cared deeply for Canadians and for the environment. He was graciously bipartisan, prioritizing the greater good for Canadians over political affiliations. He will be greatly missed.”

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Conservative Senator Leo Housakos

“Brian Mulroney was a giant and my personal inspiration for entering politics. This is indeed a very sad day for the nation. We have lost an extraordinary Canadian. But the loss we feel is nothing compared to that being felt by his family. My sincerest condolences.”

Longueuil Mayor Catherine Fournier

“Honour and enthusiasm. A fundamentally good, empathetic and altruistic man. I will keep precious memories of our exchanges.”

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather

“My deepest condolences to Mila, Caroline, Ben, Mark, Nicholas & their families. Brian Mulroney was one of the greatest Canadians of my lifetime. He will be sorely missed. In December 2023 I was going through a pretty stressful time and Brian Mulroney took the time to call me and encourage me. That was the kind of man he was. He cared about people. A true gentleman.”

Michel Leblanc, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

“A great prime minister has left us. Thanks to him, we had the first free trade agreement with the United States, a fundamental pillar of our prosperity.”

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

“Ukrainians will always remember that Brian Mulroney’s government was the first in the Western Hemisphere to recognize Ukraine’s independence in 1991. This laid a solid foundation for Ukraine and Canada to continue their true friendship.”

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

“Prime Minister Mulroney led Canada during a critical decade in which our struggle for freedom culminated in the dismantling of apartheid. During his term, he spoke out against apartheid, advocated the economic isolation of the regime and took a stand when many in the international community were wavering. For us, his passing is made profound by the fact that we have lost this friend and ally in the year in which we are marking 30 years of freedom and in which we pay tribute to all those around the world who supported our struggle for freedom and democracy. May his soul rest in peace.”

U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Cohen

“Brian Mulroney’s legacy looms large in the enduring friendship between our two nations. His personal warmth and statesmanship endeared him to leaders from all political stripes, and his ability to build bridges of understanding exemplified the best of diplomacy. … His deep and respectful relationships with multiple U.S. administrations of the time are the standard to which all leaders aspire.”

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