Magdalen Islands pauses plan to make all tourists pay $30 fee

Quebec’s Magdalen Islands is pausing plans to impose a $30 fee for visitors travelling to the archipelago.

But the municipality says it’s not backing off from the idea of collecting funds from tourists to help maintain infrastructure and protect the environment.

Instead, it said today in a news release it will “appeal to visitors’ honour” and ask that they make a voluntary contribution, at least for this year.

When the municipality announced it would impose a tourist fee between May 1 and Oct. 14, islanders were concerned the plan would infringe on the freedom of Quebecers and other Canadians to travel within their own country.

The municipality thanked people for their positive messages about the initiative, but said it also received inappropriate and sometimes hateful comments.

It says negotiations are ongoing with Transport Canada on how it can apply a tourist fee.
