Organizer of Montreal pro-Israel rally lashes out at Anthony Housefather

“Anthony opted to try and intimidate our organization, become belligerent, throw a tantrum and attempt to tear away the success of the event for the community,” says Amos Sochaczevski.

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A key organizer of Montreal’s annual pro-Israel rally has accused Liberal MP Anthony Housefather of throwing “a tantrum” and trying to “politicize the event” by publicly complaining about not being allowed to address the crowd.

Housefather’s “attempt to smear the reputation of our organization for his political aspirations cannot go unanswered,” Amos Sochaczevski said in a statement to The Gazette.

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“Rather than participate as a good citizen, fellow Jewish Montrealer and invited dignitary, Anthony opted to try and intimidate our organization, become belligerent, throw a tantrum and attempt to tear away the success of the event for the community.”

Sochaczevski was reacting to a Gazette article, published Friday, that reported on a Facebook post in which Housefather complained that he was not invited to speak and that a video of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was not shown.

Sochaczevski said Housefather was snubbed because of the Trudeau government’s stance on Israel. He also blamed “weak Liberal Party leadership” for “an alarming increase in antisemitism throughout Canada.”

Thousands of Montrealers took part in last week’s rally at Place du Canada to celebrate the 76th anniversary of Israel’s independence.

A Toronto-area Conservative MP addressed participants and a video of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was shown.

In his social media post, Housefather, a staunch defender of Israel who recently toyed with leaving the Liberals, said he spoke out afterward because many people asked him why he had not spoken at the event.

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Housefather, who represents Mount Royal riding, a Liberal stronghold with a large Jewish population, said “the organizer” of the rally wanted the event to be “a Conservative event.”

Housefather did not specify who he was referring to, nor did he name Sochaczevski.

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Sochaczevski founded the Jewish Unity Partnership, which organizes the event. Sochaczevski’s family owns The Suburban, a weekly community newspaper.

In his statement, Sochaczevski said he is “one voice on a committee of over 20 volunteers and an eight-person executive team who donate their time to organize” the event.

He said many other people could have spoken at this year’s rally but were left off the list, including Federation CJA, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, B’nai Brith and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre.

“None of them complained about their exclusion,” Sochaczevski said.

Organizers “discussed at great length” whether to invite Housefather to speak, he added.

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“The consensus was that we could not at this time, in good conscience, invite any representatives of political parties that stopped shipment of arms to Canada’s closest ally in the Middle East during wartime and sends Canadian taxpayer money to UNWRA, knowing those funds will end up in the hands of Hamas, financing further terrorist attacks and more Israeli deaths.”

UNRWA is the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees. Israel has alleged some UNRWA employees participated in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Sochaczevski added: “Not to include Mr. Housefather as a speaker was a reflection of his boss (the prime minister) and his party; just as we do not invite any representative of any party or organization that does not unabashedly support the state of Israel.”

He said in previous years, “when the Liberal government’s relationship with Israel was better, Mr. Housefather was invited to speak and introduce a video message that we requested from the prime minister.

“I question (Housefather’s) motivations on the one year he is not invited to speak, to, after the fact, condemn the rally as a ‘conservative event.’ This is a completely erroneous statement and nothing more than a shameful tactic by him to try and politicize the event.”

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Sochaczevski said organizers were never “given or offered a video” of Trudeau. “In fact, after some searching online, I was unable to find any video posted by the prime minister on Israel’s Independence Day.”

Sochaczevski said he has worked hard for his community since becoming a resident of Mount Royal riding in 1958.

“I may not have been perfect in my efforts, but in over 65 years, not one person has EVER gone after me on a personal level for my efforts as Anthony did. I may not have agreed with him or his Liberal predecessors; however, there was always mutual respect.”

In his Facebook post, Housefather said the event rejected his involvement “despite the best efforts over the last several weeks of Federation CJA, the ambassador of Israel, the consul general and multiple other community leaders to have me speak.”

In a speech at the rally, Consul General for Israel Paul Hirschson paid tribute to Housefather, whom he described as “Israel’s best friend in the Canadian Parliament.”

Sochaczevski criticized Housefather’s decision to go public.

He said that makes “it clear Anthony Housefather puts his political career first. Openly admitting to pressuring VIPs and non-partisan Jewish organizations to intervene for him to speak at our event demonstrates his heavy-handed behaviour.”

In a statement to The Gazette, Federation CJA spokesperson Glenn Nashen said the non-profit Montreal Jewish organization “engaged in some discussions and advanced the view that such gatherings should benefit from multipartisan support and participation.

“However, beyond responsibility for event security, Federation CJA did not have a role in designing the program.”

Nashen said “we should all take a moment in these difficult times to focus on the bigger picture here. Thousands of Montrealers, Jews and non-Jews alike, came out to stand with our community and with Israel in this annual grassroots event, which unfolded without disruption.”

Jewish Unity Partnership is a charitable organization that seeks contributions to help finance the rally. According to its 2023 filing with the Canada Revenue Agency, the organization has two directors — Amos Sochaczevski and Aviezer Sochaczevski.

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