Pierrefonds resident sentenced to four years for sexual abuse of boy

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A West Island resident who served as Élections Québec’s returning officer in the Nelligan riding was sentenced Thursday to a four-year prison term for having sexually abused a 14-year-old boy over a period of eight months.

Quebec Court Judge Martin Chalifour noted how Claude Hamelin, 59, of Pierrefonds had no criminal record and was assessed to be a low risk of reoffending in a pre-sentencing report prepared for the case at the Montreal courthouse. However, the same report noted how Hamelin called the victim a “manipulator” and insisted the boy consented to what happened inside Hamelin’s apartment.

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“(A) psychiatrist notes the accused attributes some of the blame to the victim,” the judge said while reading from his decision. “He explained that the victim was persuasive and a manipulator and that (Hamelin) had difficulty saying no.”

The case dates back to the end of 2020, after Hamelin’s roommate walked in on him while he was performing oral sex on the victim and alerted his parents. When the Montreal police investigated they learned that the boy had been sexually abused a dozen times inside Hamelin’s home and that Hamelin took advantage of his relationship with the victim’s parents. The abuse began in March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the province, and continued for months.

“In this case the sexual contacts took place a dozen times over a period of eight months. That is an aggravating factor (in determining the sentence),” Chalifour said. “The age of the victim is also important.

“The moral culpability of the offender is accentuated because the victim is young and vulnerable to sexual violence.”

The age of consent in Canada is 16.

The boy’s identity is protected by a publication ban. His parents trusted Hamelin to the point that the boy would spend much time at Hamelin’s home where he would watch movies, play video games and do his homework. The boy was left so marked by the abuse that he had to change schools.

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At the time, Hamelin had been Élections Québec’s returning officer for the West Island riding since 2017. He worked as returning officer in the riding during the 2018 provincial election. He was suspended from his position after he was charged in 2020 and was fired after he pleaded guilty on Jan. 13, 2023 to sexual interference and two other charges were placed under a stay of proceedings.

A few months after he pleaded guilty, Hamelin asked the court to withdraw his guilty plea after prosecutor Charles Doucet announced the Crown would be seeking a six-year prison term. His lawyer, Mike Boudreau, argued last year that he was caught off guard by the Crown’s request and said he would ask for a sentence that Hamelin could serve in the community.

Hamelin ultimately decided to maintain his guilty plea and Quebec Court Judge Martin Chalifour heard sentencing arguments in March. Doucet then recommended a five-year prison term and Boudreau repeated his request for a sentence Hamelin could serve in the community.


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