Quebec City lifts water restrictions after completing repair work early

Water consumption restrictions in Quebec City have been lifted six days earlier than expected, after the city finished repairs to a water main in the Les Rivières borough.

The city planned to carry out repairs on the 42-inch water main, which provides drinking water to much of the population, until July 5.

Wednesday, Quebec City temporarily banned residents of five boroughs from using water for various outdoor purposes, including watering the lawn, washing vehicles, spraying down driveways and alleys and filling pools in order to maintain the quality of drinking water.

Anyone who flouted the restrictions were subject to a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first offence and $2,000 for a repeat offence.

“The success and speed of execution of the work are attributable not only to our teams, but also to the contribution of citizens,” Quebec City Mayor Bruno Marchand said in a statement published Saturday evening. “I would like to thank them again for their efforts that made a real difference.”

Within two days of the ban, Marchand said the population had reduced its water consumption by 20 per cent, which ensured drinkable water was available to anyone in need of it.
