Oil spill soils birds, dirties Montreal’s Pointe-aux-Trembles shoreline

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and Urgence-Environnement were trying to contain the oil slick that was reported in the waters of the St. Lawrence River near Pointe-aux-Trembles on Friday.

The Canadian Coast Guard said on Thursday that it had received a report confirming a slick of pollution from an unknown source between 13th Avenue and Tricentenaire Avenue, on the outskirts of Montreal.

According to a message published on Friday afternoon by the Quebec Environment Minister, who said he was monitoring the situation closely, “the results of the analyses indicate that the substance in question is motor oil.”

Charette added that “mitigation measures have been put in place and a company has been appointed to pump out the product” and that “work to find the source of the pollution is continuing.”

The Coast Guard said it had mobilised the company Urgence Marine Environnement, which deployed booms to contain the spill.

The CCG and Urgence Marine Environnement are also trying to draw up “a rehabilitation plan for the polluted shoreline.”

The Canadian Wildlife Service and Environment and Climate Change Canada have also been contacted by the Canadian Coast Guard “regarding oiled birds observed in the area.”

The CCG is advising the public to stay away from pollution slicks.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on July 12, 2024.


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