Hydro-Québec looks to charge big consumers higher rates

Hydro-Québec is proposing to penalize households that consume well above the average home. 

If the Régie de l’énergie approves, homes that consume more than 50,000 kWh per year (about one per cent of residential customers) could be charged an overconsumption rate as of April 1, 2027, according to a news release published Thursday. 

The announcement comes a little over a month after the Crown corporation released its 2035 action plan, indicating it intends to impose higher rates for households that use “excessive” amounts of electricity. 

The company is also planning to introduce new incentives for Quebecers to use less energy, such as giving $350 a year to households who charge their electric cars at night. 

Starting in April 2025, Hydro-Québec would like to industrial properties to pay 3.3 per cent more. Meanwhile, commercial businesses could see a 3.9 per cent increase.

Last year, the Legault government put a cap on residential electricity bill increases at 3 per cent.

Low-income households

Despite intentions to increase rates for bigger consumers, Hydro-Québec says it would implement measures to ensure that no low-income household would be charged the residential overconsumption rate.

The Crown corporation says it would allocate $60 million to mainly help pay off bills and debts of some customers who have entered into a payment agreement and offer those customers energy efficiency programs aimed at reducing consumption. 
