Only 1 ferry in service between Quebec City and Lévis after MV Radisson collides with dock

Quebec’s ferry network is temporarily operating with one less ferry after the MV Radisson hit the dock in Quebec City Friday, slightly injuring four people.

The vessel struck the dock just before 6 p.m., the Société des Traversiers du Québec (STQ) told CBC News in an email.

Four people, all with minor injuries, were attended to by ambulances, according to Quebec paramedics, the Coopérative des techniciens ambulanciers du Québec (CTAQ).

The STQ suspended service on the Quebec City-Lévis crossing until 7:30 p.m. Friday. Since then, it has been running that route with a single ferry while the MV Radisson undergoes maintenance.

Service is currently being offered in Lévis on the hour and in Quebec City on the half-hour.

In a statement, STQ spokesperson Simon Laboissonnière said the provincial Crown corporation doesn’t have details on the circumstances that led to the collision. He said damage, including apparent damage to the hull of the ferry, will be assessed over the coming days.

The Transportation and Safety Board (TSB) is deploying investigators to look into what happened, the agency said in a statement Saturday morning.

“[The TSB’s] sole aim is the advancement of transportation safety. It is not the function of the Board to assign fault or determine civil or criminal liability,” read the statement.
