$115M to support 51 emergency and transitional housing projects in Montreal

Ottawa and Quebec announced $115 million in funding to support and develop 51 emergency and transitional housing projects for people experiencing homelessness in Montreal – over the next two years.

The city will see an increase of 521 places for its vulnerable population, up by 30 per cent, by 2026.

In December 2023, there were 1,526 spots in emergency and transitional housing for Montreal’s homeless community.

“The main solution to simple homelessness is housing. Whether it’s social, community, affordable or private market housing, we need to both increase and diversify the supply of housing across the metropolis,” said James Hughes, President and CEO, Old Brewery Mission, in a press release.

“Too many Montrealers and Quebecers are confronted with the unacceptable reality of homelessness, when everyone deserves to have a safe and stable home,” wrote the federal government. “It’s important to continue to unite all the forces at work, to invest more to help the most vulnerable and to ensure the development of housing projects for these clienteles.”

Announcement for more funding to help homeless in Montreal
Announcement for more funding to help homeless in Montreal. June 21, 2024. (Adriana Gentile, CityNews Image)

Au pied de la Montagne project

On Friday, they also inaugurated the Au pied de la Montagne project, spearheaded by the Old Brewery Mission. Located at 4544 avenue du Parc on the Plateau, it’s a 24-unit community housing project for homeless men.

The building was a former hotel that’s been transformed into a rooming house, including community spaces and areas for tenant support and accompaniment services.

The Government of Canada invested more than $6.5 million in the project as part of the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI). Quebec is also helping to finance the project, valued at over $8 million, through its Rent Supplement program.

“Our actions are aimed at improving access to emergency and transitional housing services, in conjunction with the teams in place in Montreal, while continuing to support transitional housing and the creation of supportive housing, as demonstrated by our support for the Au pied de la Montagne project,” said Lionel Carmant, Quebec Social Services Minister in a press release. “I would remind you that these three components are necessary to promote the full reintegration of people experiencing homelessness. This is a priority for us.”

Inside a new housing for homeless men in the Plateau.
Inside a new housing for homeless men in the Plateau. June 21, 2024. (Adriana Gentile, CityNews Image)
Announcement for more funding to help homeless in Montreal
Announcement for more funding to help homeless in Montreal. June 21, 2024. (Adriana Gentile, CityNews Image)

“The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of reducing and preventing homelessness across the country,” said Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities for Canada, in a press release. “We continue to work with all the partners involved to enhance resources and help address the issues facing people experiencing homelessness.”

“Everyone deserves access to a safe, affordable home,” added Rachel Bendayan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and MP for Outremont. “The values of mutual aid and solidarity are fundamental to the residents of our neighbourhood, and this project demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind.”
