Chinatown residents and merchants distribute free mooncakes to encourage public safety

Residents and merchants from Montreal’s Chinatown are handing out free mooncakes Tuesday morning to promote public security in the neighbourhood – for the second year in a row.

Under the theme of “Celebrating the Autumn Moon Festival in harmony, security and solidarity,” the event is being held at Sun Yat Sen Park.

It’s organized by the Chinatown Residents’ Association (ARQC), the Chinese Association of Montreal (CAM), the Chinatown Economic Development and CRARR, alongside local businesses.

Montreal police (SPVM) officers are also present at the event to support the community.

This comes after several Chinatown residents have raised awareness about the ongoing homeless population and public safety concerns in the area.

They also created an association to demand more accountability and action from all three levels of government about the issues they are facing in Chinatown.
