Millions spent on fax machines in Quebec hospitals

Despite their promise to stop using fax machines, the Quebec government keeps renewing their contracts.

Four years after Quebec Premier François Legault promised to stop using faxes, several health establishments continue to renew new contracts for an IT tool allowing them to transmit faxes by computer.

For example, using XM Fax, a doctor can fax a prescription using their computer and it will be received as a paper or web fax.

Since May 2020, health centres, hospitals and RAMQ have been awarded 22 contracts totaling over $1.5 million to use XM Fax.

However, this amount does not include all other expenses like purchases, repairs, as well as the phone lines necessary to use fax machines.

The old technology was singled out during the pandemic as COVID-19 death totals were being sent-counted via faxes.

According to health officials, thousands of faxes are still being sent within the health network.

The Health Ministry has invested in an IT megaproject with the potential to eliminate the use of faxes.

The project, which is already experiencing delays and higher costs, was launched as a pilot project in two CIUSSS, including one located in Montreal.

Additionally, the Health Ministry awarded a contract worth nearly $100,000 to a private company called Plakett Digital Health to find out who uses fax machines within the health network and how to replace them.

The contract for operation “Zero-Fax” started in February and will end August 2024.

Plakett Digital Health is touring three regions to “document current processes that use fax machines” and to see what local initiatives could be used to replace this technology.
