Parti Québécois would support CAQ’s referendum on immigration

The Parti Québécois (PQ) would side with the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) if a referendum on immigration were to be held.

On Tuesday, Quebec Premier François Legault threatened to hold a referendum on immigration if negotiations with the federal government were not successful by June 30.

The leader of the PQ, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, is asking Legault to commit to holding a referendum if he does not obtain full powers on immigration following the meeting with the Canadian prime minister.

“If for the umpteenth time, the door closes in the face of François Legault, let him trigger this popular consultation on the repatriation of full immigration powers, and in which case, I will be at his side,” Plamondon said Wednesday at the National Assembly.

The PQ leader pointed out this was not the exact path he envisioned, since he wants to leave the Canadian federation entirely.

“If I have to choose between a federalist Quebec government that hesitates between lying on the ground and having the door closed in its face without doing anything, or taking a certain action that at least allows the population to be heard, I will take the second option, but knowing that this is not what I dream of for Quebec,” he added.

–The report by La Presse Canadienne was translated by CityNews
