Women’s Art Society of Montreal turns 130 years old!

The Women’s Arts Society of Montreal (WASM) has reached an exciting milestone. This year marks their 130th anniversary. In 1894, two passionate women for the arts founded the organization to support and promote emerging artists. At a time when women had no rights, recognition or place, May Phillips and Alice Peck took it upon themselves to start this organization. And 130 years later, it’s still here, helping and supporting emerging artists.

Women's Art Society of Montreal, WASM, DiverseCity, diversity, diversity expert, fariha naqvi-mohamed
May Phillips and Alice Peck founded the Women’s Art Society of Montreal in 1834 (courtesy: WASMtl Instagram)

Eva-Maria Minarkis, is the president of Women’s Art Society of Montreal, “It’s an honor to be representing a community or an organization with such a legacy. And it’s been around for so many years, and to take it to the next level, and to have new emerging artists and promoting them and helping them thrive in their careers.”

Women's Art Society of Montreal, WASM, DiverseCity, diversity, diversity expert, fariha naqvi-mohamed
Eva-Maria Minarkis poses next to her artwork on display for the Women’s Art Society of Montreal’s vernissage in Pointe-Claire (Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed, CityNews Montreal)

Johanne Dussault is the vice president of the WASM. She describes art as being “the soul of a society, and it’s what we leave behind.

“If you look at the history of the world, it’s what is still there. After thousands of years, you have caves, you have all kinds of manifestations of artistic expressions.

She goes on to express that, “Art is the soul of a society, and it’s what we leave behind.”

Women's Art Society of Montreal, WASM, DiverseCity, diversity, diversity expert, fariha naqvi-mohamed
Johanne Dussault poses in front of her artwork on display for the Women’s Art Society of Montreal’s vernissage. (Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed, CityNews Montreal)

Minarkis explains that, “The world needs more art.

“Art helps, especially with our well-being, our mental health, not only for the artists that create, but also the people who have art in their homes.

“So just go for it cuz you don’t know which person you’re going to inspire and help along the way with your journey.”

Dussault feels the same way, “It’s a therapy. I really enjoy it, and if I feel stressed or upset about something, if I start coloring, painting, it calms me down, and it’s very important.

“I feel always better after two or three hours of drawing, painting, whatever.”

Women's Art Society of Montreal, WASM, DiverseCity, diversity, diversity expert, fariha naqvi-mohamed

Photo courtesy: Women’s Art Society of Montreal

Minarkis shares that this week, they’re “exhibiting at Gallery Viva Vida in Pointe-Claire Village.

“Beginning May 15th to the 22nd, and on Friday the 17th of May from 5.30pm to 8.30pm, we have a vernissage, which is a meet and greet with the artist.

“And a portion of the proceeds are also helping the mental health at the MUHC Hospital for Children.”

As for what Eva-Maria hopes guest will take away from the exhibit, “I’m hoping they get inspired through some of the art that they see around them.

“They connect with the artists and their work, and hopefully they find something that they can bring home with them that they connect with, and also if they are an artist, they could hopefully maybe join an organization and see them evolve and thrive in their careers as well.
