Cleanup continues after roads washed out in Quebec towns after heavy rain

Several communities north of Montreal were hit by heavy rains over the weekend and residents are now working to repair the damage.

Several roads and culverts were badly damaged by the over 130 milimetres of rain in Chertsey and Rawdon about 90 kilometres north of the city.

In Chertsey, large equipment was brought in to repair washed out roads in the northern part of the town.

Many roads were flooded after a small dame broke due to swelling waterways that then eroded roadways.

Between 10 and 12 public and private roads in the municipalitey were blocked or partially blocked by the damage and about 100 homeonwers were affected and unable to easily access their homes.

In Rawdon, there were some scary moments for a group of teenagers camping on an island near the Dorwin Falls who were stranded when the rain turned a normally calm waterway nearby into a raging river.

They had to be ferried off the island by firefighters after their tents were submerged by the waters. .

There were no injuries reported, but residents are being advised to remain cautious when travelling in case there is any further damage. 


Posted in CTV