Preteen author provides guide for parenting in new book

There’s no manual on how to raise your child, but one Montreal preteen has decided to change that.

Ten-year-old Naomi Miller gives parents tips and tricks in her new book, proving she’s wise beyond her years.

It is Miller’s second book.

“I just wrote a story on paper, and my father was like, how about you write a book? And then my mother thought it was an amazing idea,” she said.

Her first page-turned, “How To Be an Amazing Parent” was penned when she was seven, and her second is a 26-page self-help work called “How To Understand Your PreTeen Girl – Written By A PreTeen.”

“I describe it helpful for the parents that need help for their preteen,” she said. “I describe it as easy to read; it’s not like this big book that you’re like, pressured to read. And I’d also describe it as kind of fun because there’s a quiz.”

The budding author offers insights on how parents should communicate with children when they reach the complicated preteen years.

“Be compassionate,” said Miller.

Parenting website founder Lianne Castelino said the book has some great takeaways.

“What I think she’s really trying to convey is that in the preteen years, parents have to listen more and talk less,” said Castelino. “Also, listen so they can help empower their kids as opposed to listen to problem solve.

She’s offered tons of good advice.”

Miller said she’s not done going after her dreams. She will next act in an upcoming performance at the Segal Centre.

“It’s called No Fear Shakespeare,” said Miller. “My director wrote it. It’s about Shakespeare, and he gets writer’s block.”

The young author is already working on her next book, which is a fantasy.  


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