Recall issued for tofu products sold in Quebec

The Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) has issued a recall for various types of tofu products prepared and sold by Aliments Wah Hoa in Montreal as they are likely to contain the bacteria Bacillus cereus or generic E. coli (non-pathogenic strain).


The products are:

  • Fried Tofu – 300g
  • Soft Tofu – 800g
  • Pressed Tofu – 400g

The products subject to the recall made in collaboration with the City of Montreal and Aliment Wah Hoa were available for sale until Aug. 20 in several establishments across Quebec. They were sold refrigerated.


(Credit: CNW Group/Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)


(Credit: CNW Group/Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)


According to a press release, the recall was issued as a “precautionary measure.”


“In addition, people who have one of these products in their possession are advised not to consume it. They must return it to the establishment where they purchased it or throw it away,” the ministry said in a press release.


“Even if the products in question do not show any signs of spoilage or suspicious odor, their consumption may represent a health risk.”


Symptoms of Bacillus cereus poisoning can appear between one-and-a-half to five hours after consuming the contaminated food and typically include nausea and vomiting.


However, symptoms can also occur between eight to 16 hours after consumption. In this case, the main symptoms are nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting.


Generally, the symptoms disappear within 24 hours. Generic E. coli poisoning can cause cramps and diarrhea. 


Posted in CTV